As you are starting the challenge, choose 1-3 habits from the following list that you will commit to implementing throughout the 21 days. Habits always follow a cycle of The Three R’s: REMINDER - ROUTINE - REWARD. This list will help you catch the Reminders and change the Routine, so that you can enjoy the Rewards of a healthier outcome! Only you know the detailed reminders and routines that fit your life, so make sure to fill in the blank where it fits. Once you have chosen your habits, write them down or make sure they are somewhere you will look at DAILY!
Let your coach know what you have chosen. This list is not all-inclusive - you can of course modify or come up with your own, but all of these are proven to get your life headed in a direction of long term rewards. :)
• 2 shakes/day
• Tablets 3x/day
• Balanced meals (Protein + veggie + complex carb)
• Cut out junk food during (activity such as tv, after work, etc)
• Replace (unhealthy food) with (healthy food)
• Consistent on weekends
• Food log daily
• Work out (specific days)
• Meal plan/prep (specific days)
• Cut out/limit: soda, Alcohol, Candy, Fast Food, misc (specify amount/frequency)
• Drink (ounces/glasses/etc) of water daily
• Macro/nutrient daily target (specify - Example 125g protein, 25g fiber, etc daily)