Portion Distortion

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Super-sized fries, 16oz. lattes, 64oz Super Gulps. It’s no coincidence that just as we Americans are growing larger so is the size of our meals and snacks. The foods we buy today are two or three times, even five times larger than when they were first introduced into the marketplace. Let’s explore how we can handle this portion distortion.

Remember these tips:

  • Know what you’re taking in ‐ using your food log is crucial for at least a couple of weeks. You may be surprised at what your portions add up to when you first start recording everything.
  • Don’t deprive yourself ‐ you don’t need to eliminate your favorite foods. If you like ice cream, eat it, but you must learn portion control and keep it within your daily caloric allotment. Get to know the standard serving sizes.
  • Mouthfuls, not platefuls ‐ when dining out, they always over ‐ feed us, so focus on what you consume. Just because it’s brought to you doesn’t mean you have to finish every last bite. Visualize meat as a deck of cards, etc.
  • Use smaller plates ‐ the less room on your plate, the less calories you’ll consume, and you won’t feel like you’re eating less. Studies have proven that this simple step has a big payoff.
  • Take the extra before the cutback ‐ no one wants to be deprived and left hungry on a diet. Before you take away meats, starches, and fats, stock up on fruits & veggies. Fill your plate with them first.
  • Eat your protein ‐ protein fills you up and plays a big role in weight loss, so remember to get enough. Whenever you eat carbs, make sure you’re eating protein also.
  • Herbalife Instant Meal personalizes the right portions of protein, carbohydrate, and fat for you.